Words of Wisdom from Swami Nirviseshananda Tirtha
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Narayanashrama Tapovanam, an Ashram located in Thrissur, Kerala, embodies the unique tradition of Guru-shishya Parampara, disseminating Brahmavidya (Science of Self-knowledge) through regular classes, satsangs, and above all, through learning in the association of a realized spiritual master.
Cultivate Qualities of Mind and Intelligence
Swami Bhoomananda Tirtha
Morality and Propriety in the Mahabharata
Swami Bhoomananda Tirtha
Appreciate Good Qualities of Others
Swami Bhoomananda Tirtha
Self-Realization and the Process to achieve it
Swami Bhoomananda Tirtha
Understanding a Good Quality will automatically Generate love for it
Swami Bhoomananda Tirtha
Mind - Its Majesty and Magnificence
Swami Bhoomananda Tirtha