Swamini Ma Gurupriya elaborates on how satsang helps to remain connected with the self through verses from Vivekachudamani, S...
Mā's Satsang is entitled 'Towards Eternal Peace and Happiness' based on Bhagavad Gita, Vivekachudamani, Yoga Vasistha Ramayanam and Bhagavatam, every Thursday at 8 PM IST at www.globalgita.org/live
Swamini Ma Gurupriya elaborates on how satsang helps to remain connected with the self through verses from Vivekachudamani, S...
In this talk, Ma Gurupriya ji reinforces the invaluable role of Satsanga in cultivating one-pointedness.
Can every moment of our day be filled with Divinity and connectedness to the Soul? Ma Gurupriya ji says, “Yes! In and throug...
In this session, Mā not only inspires us with the Knowledge she lives, she gives us clear directions on how to use verses as ...
We are often told we should love our self. What we are not often told, is what this Self really is.
Ma shows us in no uncertain terms, that the goal to be eternally free and unaffected can only be achieved through the realiza...
In this Satsang, Ma emphasizes the importance of being wholesome in this pursuit. We have all grown up loving the world, we n...
Ma Gurupriyaji's soul-stirring chanting of verses on Truth, takes us closer towards the Goal in this divine Satsang. Ma urges...
Ma addresses one of the biggest stumbling blocks to spiritual growth – desires – and how to effectively manage them.
We are accustomed to festivals being time-bound occurrences that bring joy and cheer. Ma Gurupriyaji shows us that the ultima...
We often hear and speak about surrender. But what does it mean to be truly surrendered?
We think the vagaries of the world pull us this way and that. Mā reveals that it is not the world which causes turbulence in ...
Ma Gurupriyaji continues the discussion on vasanas (desires) – that are to be completely eliminated. The unbroken aspiration ...
Taking us deeper into understanding the stranglehold of raaga-dvesha (clinging to likes and hating dislikes), Ma gives us the...
Ma gives us the reassurance that yes, we may slip and fall, but this journey is not a struggle. Rather, it is a beautiful riv...
When 16 year old Sri Rama returned from his pilgrimage around the country, he was sunk in utter despondency. In this exquisit...
Back to the Palace of Ayodhya, the young boy Sri Rama pours his angst out at the feet of the great sages. Ma Gurupriya doesn’...
Amidst pin-drop silence in the palace of Ayodhya, Sages descended from celestial realms to join those in the palace upon hear...
Is it possible to remain calm and tranquil in the midst of activities? Can our restless mind become peaceful? Can we remain u...
Most of us think we need desires to move forward in life. Ma Gurupriya lovingly opens our eyes to the truth – that desires ar...
As the beautiful narration of Yoga Vasistha continues, Ma gives us an insight into the qualities of a True Disciple.
Ma Gurupriya ingrains the four-fold qualities of a true disciple deeper within us, by continuing the same topic with greater ...
Transparency with the Guru is imperative on this path. To be completely open and straightforward, while giving freedom to the...
With so much adversity in the world, when people are having to endure such suffering and anxiety, is there a place for learni...
From the qualities that make one a true disciple, Ma Gurupriya takes us to the other shore of seekerhood – what are the attri...
Straightforwardness seems like such a simple, “straightforward” quality. Ma Gurupriya takes us through the deeper levels of t...
Ma Gurupriya uses the treasure chest of Bhagavad Gita to adorn our inner personalities, as she helps us pick up priceless jew...
The picture of a true disciple continues to become more vibrant and alive as Ma Gurupriya discusses the fundamental quality o...
Why are we, despite being on the spiritual path repeatedly listening to words of the Wise, not able to cultivate full vairagy...
For many, the word "dispassion" carries connotations of rejecting the world, of becoming disconnected, of turning cold. Ma Gu...
A little boy becomes our guide through Ma Gurupriya in this blessed Satsang. Graced with supreme devotion since he was still ...
From understanding what true devotion is and how it transforms us, we are now given crucial instruction on how to grow in dev...
The pure little boy Prahlada’s greatest fear is to be distracted from his one-pointed devotion to the Supreme by sensory enjo...
How to grow to the dimension of a true devotee like Prahlada? We listen to Satsangs, feel deeply inspired and moved by what w...
In all these weeks narrating the singular devotion of little Prahlada, Ma Gurupriya’s fundamental aim is for us to get identi...
Ma Gurupriya responds to the open and honest introspection of a seeker, to give all of us seekers the practical guidance we n...
Quoting from her conversations with Poojya Swamiji, Ma enlightens us that Self Realization is not a sudden attainment. It slo...
In this satsang, Ma talks about the importance of developing sublime inner qualities, to progress in the Spiritual Path.
In this satsang Ma talks about 'lack of intensity in seeking' - which is a common defect found in most seekers. This lack of ...
We may listen regularly to Satsangs, read the scriptures and do all the practices given to us by our Teachers. But, as Ma Gur...
Explaining the 1st Verse of the text, Ma exhorts all seekers to have a very disciplined life and be very sincere and committe...
This is a discourse series delivered by Swamini Ma Gurupriya ji at the ‘Centre for inner Resources Development’, Delhi based on the text Upadesha Panchakam by Adi Shankaracharya,
In this talk, Ma gives the full description of Shankaracharya’s life, recounting how he traversed the whole country to re-est...
In this talk, Ma, elucidates how the instructions given by Guru Adi Shankaracharya are so relevant and applicable even in the...
In this concluding session of the series, Ma expresses reverential gratitude to the Great Guru, Adi Shankaracharya for outlin...
Ma soulfully narrates the story of King Pareekshit and the circumstances which led to him being cursed by the Rishi’s son. ...
This 5-day discourse was given by Ma Gurupriya at Narayanashrama Tapovanam in Kerala.
In this delightful talk, Ma gently and lovingly reminds us how singing the glories of Lord Krishna evokes a sense of celebrat...
In this talk, we have the rare opportunity of drinking the nectar of Krishna’s childhood exploits, described beautifully by M...
In this talk, Ma describes very vividly the Bala Leela (Babyhood exploits) of Little Krishna and his brother Balarama.
In this episode Ma highlights the 'Vatsalya Bhava' -- the Motherly affection of Yashoda towards her Gopala.
In this talk, Ma draws a seeker’s attention to the all-important spiritual pursuit or Sadhana.
This discourse series by Swamini Ma Gurupriya was part of the Gurupoornima Retreat program at Narayanashrama Tapovanam, Kerala.
In this talk, Ma enlightens the listeners on what makes a seeker 'eligible' for spiritual wisdom.
In this talk, Ma Gurupriya ji helps the listeners to visualise an intense seeker, sitting at the feet of a Guru with an attit...
Ma reiterates that all scriptures reassure the seeker that a Guru unconditionally imparts this lofty knowledge to a qualified...
Ma tells us that the goal of Sadhana is Self Realization or identifying our true nature.
Continuing her discourse on Sadhana, Ma calls upon seekers to constantly keep the goal of Sadhana in mind through all activit...
In this video, Ma enlightens the seekers about the captivating composition of Vyasa Deva - Srimad Bhagavatam.
Ma explains in detail, why one is unable to progress in sadhana and why there is a sense of non-fulfillment in life even afte...
Ma explains the significance of a seeker to be in a close association with the Guru and working under his direct guidance and observation.
In this talk, Ma stresses on the great importance of self effort for a person walking in the spiritual path.
In this talk, Ma emphasizes the fact that the purpose of human birth is to realize God and to attain unbroken bliss, unaffect...
In this talk based on Srimad Bhagavatam, Ma enthralls the listeners with the narration of Akrura’s journey to Vrindavan.
Through this talk, Ma clearly underlines the aim of spiritual pursuit which is unquestionably to transform and purify our min...
This series of talks by Swamini Ma Gurupriya was delivered in the city of Jamshedpur. These are unique discourses where Ma motivates the listeners to understand Spirituality comprehensively.
In this episode Ma Gurupriya shares with us the secret of how one can experience a state of blessedness and peace in their da...
In this talk, Ma reiterates that a sadhaka (the spiritual practitioner) must have unswerving faith in the words of the scrip...
In this talk, Ma outlines the practices that can help a Sadhaka remain blissful, fearless, stable minded and unaffected under...
Ma lovingly tells us that this process of self assessment, correction and sublimation should be a life long practice, as ther...
Why are we not able to progress in our sadhana? Why do we feel a sense of non-fulfillment in life even after many months and ...
What is the one effective cure for all the sufferings of mind? How can one remain joyful and poised while living and interact...
In this satsang, Ma meticulously describes the aim of sadhana for all of us seekers. The sadhana should lead us to a state, w...
In this Satsang, Ma Gurupriya ji shares her experience of living in Guru Sannidhi and of her own days of intense Sadhana.
Taking us through beautiful verses of Sankaracharya's composition Sarva-Vedanta-Siddhanta-Sara-Sangrahah (सर्ववेदान्तसिद्धान्तसारसंग्रहः), Ma helps a seeker understand the significance of Guru Bhakti,...
In this Satsang, Ma Gurupriya ji shares her experience of living in Guru Sannidhi and of her own days of intense Sadhana.
In this Satsang, Ma Gurupriya ji shares her experience of living in Guru Sannidhi and of her own days of intense Sadhana.
In this Satsang, Ma Gurupriya ji shares her experience of living in Guru Sannidhi and of her own days of intense Sadhana.
In this Satsang, Ma Gurupriya ji shares her experience of living in Guru Sannidhi and of her own days of intense Sadhana.
In this Satsang, Ma Gurupriya ji shares her experience of living in Guru Sannidhi and of her own days of intense Sadhana.
In this Satsang, Ma Gurupriya ji shares her experience of living in Guru Sannidhi and of her own days of intense Sadhana.
Swamini Ma Gurupriya delivers devotionally enriching discourse at the 2020 Global Bhagavad Gita Convention.
A little boy becomes our guide through Ma Gurupriya in this blessed Satsang. Graced with supreme devotion since he was still ...
A little boy becomes our guide through Ma Gurupriya in this blessed Satsang series. Graced with supreme devotion since he was still in his mother’s womb, Prahlada’s instruction to his demonic classmat...
Lessons in supreme devotion continue from young child Prahlada, through universal mother, Ma Gurupriya.
The pure little boy Prahlada’s greatest fear is to be distracted from his one-pointed devotion to the Supreme by sensory enjo...
How to grow to the dimension of a true devotee like Prahlada? We listen to Satsangs, feel deeply inspired and moved by what w...
In all these weeks narrating the singular devotion of little Prahlada, Ma Gurupriya’s fundamental aim is for us to get identi...
As the beautiful narration of Yoga Vasistha continues, Ma gives us an insight into the qualities of a True Disciple.
Ma gives us an insight into the qualities of a True Disciple.
As the beautiful narration of Yoga Vasistha continues, Ma gives us an insight into the qualities of a True Disciple.
Transparency with the Guru is imperative on this path. We understand that come what may, we must remain firm in our pursuit.
With so much adversity in the world, when people are having to endure such suffering and anxiety, is there a place for learni...
From the qualities that make one a true disciple, Ma Gurupriya takes us to the other shore of seekerhood – what are the attri...
Straightforwardness seems like such a simple, “straightforward” quality. Ma Gurupriya takes us through the deeper levels of t...
Ma Gurupriya uses the treasure chest of Bhagavad Gita to adorn our inner personalities, as she helps us pick up priceless jew...
Ma cautions us that this effort of repeated listening, reading and ruminating on the qualities of Self will find its fruition...
As we continue on our spiritual journey, Ma reminds us once again that 'vichara' or truthful introspection is the quintessent...
In this enriching satsang, Ma tells us that desire is at the root of the fever of worldliness. This fever keeps us trapped in...
In this sublime satsang, on the auspicious occasion of Deepavali, Ma fills our minds and hearts with pure joy by describing t...
Ma enlightens us that constant reflection on our real nature - Brahman, its attributes, is the effective means to shake off a...
Ma gently reminds us - again and again through an assortment of beautiful slokas that, mere scriptural knowledge cannot help...
Ma, shows us the way to remain stable and unaffected in our lives - Be only a witness of all changes.
Ma tells us that a sincere yearning to attain the Self or Brahman - to the exclusion of all other yearnings, is the most deci...
In this thought provoking satsang, Ma tells us that as long as we foster an identification with the body, there is no escape ...
Ma enlightens us that the wrong identification with the non-self is the cause for our bondage and liberation lies in realizin...
Ma tells us that until the Self knowledge is well assimilated in our being and it begins to shine in our personality, there w...
Our minds are currently laden with a host of likes and dislikes towards the objects of the world. These likes and dislikes di...
In this satsang, Ma enlightens us that only by the regulation and purification of our Mind, the Self can be realized.
When we start thinking about God with fondness and love, our mind will naturally and constantly get fixed on him. From then o...
Ma tells us that we distinguish between our activities as spiritual and worldly only due to impurity of our mind. In reality,...
How do we remain connected to God at all times - when we are completely restful or even in the midst of the most hectic of ac...
In this Sublime Satsang, Ma beautifully describes how a seeker can make the entire day an occasion for worship of the Supreme...
Whenever we begin to interact with the external world, we find that we completely forget the supreme Truth and identify ourse...
In this Sublime Satsang, Ma beautifully narrates to us the spiritual journey of a seeker to fulfillment.
How can the mind dwell on God, while remaining active in the world? Ma enlightens us that exclusive love for God alone can ma...