This Satsang is based on Sikhidhwaja-Choodala episode of Yogavasishtha Ramayana.
This series of talks by Swami Bhoomananda Tirtha is based on Sikhidhwaja-Choodala episode of Yogavasishtha Ramayana.
This Satsang is based on Sikhidhwaja-Choodala episode of Yogavasishtha Ramayana.
This Satsang is based on Sikhidhwaja-Choodala episode of Yogavasishtha Ramayana.
This Satsang is based on Sikhidhwaja-Choodala episode of Yogavasishtha Ramayana.
This Satsang is based on Sikhidhwaja-Choodala episode of Yogavasishtha Ramayana.
This Satsang is based on Sikhidhwaja-Choodala episode of Yogavasishtha Ramayana.
This Satsang is based on Sikhidhwaja-Choodala episode of Yogavasishtha Ramayana.
This Satsang is based on Sikhidhwaja-Choodala episode of Yogavasishtha Ramayana.
This Satsang is based on Chapter 14 of Bhagavad Gita. Swamiji discusses threadbare the various bondages created by each guna ...
This series of talks by Swami Nirviseshananda Tirtha is based on Chapter 14 of Bhagavad Gita. These Satsangs were held during Gurupoornima Retreat 2021.
This Satsang is based on Chapter 14 of Bhagavad Gita. Swamiji discusses threadbare the various bondages created by each guna ...
This Satsang is based on Chapter 14 of Bhagavad Gita. Swamiji discusses threadbare the various bondages created by each guna ...
This Satsang is based on Chapter 14 of Bhagavad Gita. Swamiji discusses threadbare the various bondages created by each guna ...
This Satsang is based on Chapter 14 of Bhagavad Gita. Swamiji discusses threadbare the various bondages created by each guna ...
This Satsang is based on Chapter 14 of Bhagavad Gita. Swamiji discusses threadbare the various bondages created by each guna ...
This Satsang is based on Chapter 14 of Bhagavad Gita. Swamiji discusses threadbare the various bondages created by each guna ...
Chanting the Shanti Mantra of the Upanishad, Swamiji discusses in detail why this chanting is taken up before the study of th...
This is a discourse series given by Swami Nirviseshananda Tirtha during the Gurupoornima Retreat at Narayanashrama Tapovanam, in Kerala. As the name suggests, Brihadaranyaka Upanishad is a voluminous ...
In this discourse, Swamiji introduces us to the couple Sage Yajnavalkya and Maitreyi, who are about to have the most erudite...
Swamiji explains that only a seeker whose mind is pure and one-pointed can attain this sublime Self knowledge.
Through various examples, Swamiji dives deep into the subject of man’s quest for happiness and brings great clarity to our mi...
In this talk, Swamiji continues to unravel the loftiest and most beautiful truths exposed by Sage Yajnavalkya to Maitreyi.
In this talk, Swamiji discusses the verses where Yajnavalkya is trying to help Maitreyi understand the Supreme Truth with th...
Swamiji discusses the last and beautiful verse which says that the Consciousness is indeed beyond all duality.
At a time when the land is being ravaged by the merciless COVID 19, Swami Bhoomananda Tirtha’s message is a bastion of hope a...
Sadhana Chatushtayam is the four-fold way of self-purification to make oneself fit for the Supreme knowledge. Through this ex...
This three-day discourse was delivered by Swami Nirviseshananda Tirtha in the Gurupoornima Retreat at Narayanashrama Tapovanam, Kerala. Sadhana Chatushtayam has been clearly discussed in Vivekachoo...
Swamiji continues the exposition of the four-fold Sadhana emphasizing the importance of these qualities in one’s quest for Tr...
Swamiji deeply analyses each of the six virtues which culminate in the mind becoming completely and wholesomely fixed on the ...
Narrating the conversation between King Janaka and Sage Ashtavakra, Swamiji shares the deepest insights of the Supreme knowle...
This online discourse series was delivered by Swami Bhoomananda Tirtha in 2020 at Narayanashrama Tapovanam, Kerala. It is based on Ashtavakra Samhita, a conversation between King Janaka and Sage Ashta...
Swamiji drives home the point that introspection would help to strengthen and equip our minds to face all challenges in life ...
In this concluding session, Swamiji shifts our focus and attention from the outer objective perceptions to the inner Realizat...
Swamiji describes the circumstances which led to the Kurukshetra war, Arjuna's mental crisis and how Krishna begins his warfi...
This talk series was delivered by Swami Bhoomananda Tirtha during the Gurupoornima Retreat at Narayanashrama Tapovanam, Kerala.
Swamiji discusses how Sri Krishna removed all the apprehensions of Arjuna and instilled a new process of reflection in him.
In this talk, Swamiji discusses the word ‘Yoga’ in detail, removing many of our preconceived notions.
In this talk, Swamiji reiterates that Saankya yoga is a deep and wholesome study. In this study, one has to employ the mind a...
Swamiji gives us a beautiful, concise summary of what can be the spiritual pursuit of our life.
Calling Bhagavad Gita an interactional gospel, Swamiji discusses interactional sadhana in this talk.
In this concluding talk, Swamiji explains how wholesome devotion leads one to higher and loftier dimensions.
ജയന്തി ദിനം സ്വാമിജി നല്കിയ അനുഗ്രഹതത്ത്വപ്രവചനം....
In this talk, Ma draws a seeker’s attention to the all-important spiritual pursuit or Sadhana.
This discourse series by Swamini Ma Gurupriya was part of the Gurupoornima Retreat program at Narayanashrama Tapovanam, Kerala.
In this talk, Ma enlightens the listeners on what makes a seeker 'eligible' for spiritual wisdom.
In this talk, Ma Gurupriya ji helps the listeners to visualise an intense seeker, sitting at the feet of a Guru with an attit...
Ma reiterates that all scriptures reassure the seeker that a Guru unconditionally imparts this lofty knowledge to a qualified...
Ma tells us that the goal of Sadhana is Self Realization or identifying our true nature.
Swamiji briefly describes the circumstances which led to the Kurukshetra war. Having come to the battlefield after thirteen y...
This talk series was delivered by Swami Bhoomananda Tirtha during the Gurupoornima Retreat at Narayanashrama Tapovanam, Kerala.
Swamiji reiterates the fact that the entire Bhagavad Gita dialogue is between Sri Krishna, the Guru and Arjuna, the disciple....
In this talk, Swamiji discusses the word ‘Yoga’ in detail, removing many of our preconceived notions. He says that Yoga is a ...
In this talk, Swamiji reiterates that Saankya yoga is a deep and wholesome study. In this study, one has to employ the mind a...
In this rare series of talks, Swamiji gives us a beautiful, concise summary of what can be the spiritual pursuit of our life....
In this talk, Swamiji discusses the subtle concept of Karma Yoga in detail. In Karma Yoga, a Yogic attitude is called for in ...
In this talk, Swamiji discusses Bhakti or devotion, as presented in Bhagavad Gita. Bhakti, says Swamiji, is a feeling and fe...
Ma explains in detail, why one is unable to progress in sadhana and why there is a sense of non-fulfillment in life even afte...
Ma explains the significance of a seeker to be in a close association with the Guru and working under his direct guidance and observation.
In this talk, Ma stresses on the great importance of self effort for a person walking in the spiritual path.
In this talk, Ma emphasizes the fact that the purpose of human birth is to realize God and to attain unbroken bliss, unaffect...
In this talk based on Srimad Bhagavatam, Ma enthralls the listeners with the narration of Akrura’s journey to Vrindavan.
Swamiji says that Srimad Bhagavatam is not only a text of devotion but an unusual splendid narration of Truth, values and ide...
Swamiji extols the powerful, brilliant Srimad Bhagavatam as a unique text of devotional Excellence. He says that although it ...
In this Satsang, Ma Gurupriya ji shares her experience of living in Guru Sannidhi and of her own days of intense Sadhana.
Taking us through beautiful verses of Sankaracharya's composition Sarva-Vedanta-Siddhanta-Sara-Sangrahah (सर्ववेदान्तसिद्धान्तसारसंग्रहः), Ma helps a seeker understand the significance of Guru Bhakti,...
In this Satsang, Ma Gurupriya ji shares her experience of living in Guru Sannidhi and of her own days of intense Sadhana.
In this Satsang, Ma Gurupriya ji shares her experience of living in Guru Sannidhi and of her own days of intense Sadhana.
In this Satsang, Ma Gurupriya ji shares her experience of living in Guru Sannidhi and of her own days of intense Sadhana.
In this Satsang, Ma Gurupriya ji shares her experience of living in Guru Sannidhi and of her own days of intense Sadhana.
In this Satsang, Ma Gurupriya ji shares her experience of living in Guru Sannidhi and of her own days of intense Sadhana.
In this Satsang, Ma Gurupriya ji shares her experience of living in Guru Sannidhi and of her own days of intense Sadhana.
Poojya Swamiji's message on the auspicious 88th Jayanti day.
Day 1 of Srimad Bhagavata Tattva Sameeksha Satram.
ശ്രീമദ്ഭാഗവതത്തിലെ ആദ്യസ്കന്ധത്തില്നിന്നു തുടങ്ങി കഥനവിവരണങ്ങളല്നിന്നു തിരഞ്ഞെടുത്ത ശ്ലോകങ്ങളുടെ തത്ത്വസാരം വെളിപ്പെടുത്തിക്കൊണ്ട് സ്വാമിജി നയിയ്ക്കുന്ന ഈ അപൂര്വ ജ്ഞാനതീര്ഥയാത്രയിലേയ്ക്ക് ഏവര്ക്ക...